Home > Parish Council

Parish Council

The Parish Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer:

Mrs Jennie Blackburn
The Knoll, 1 All Saints Road, Creeting St Mary, Ipswich  IP6 8NF

Telephone: (01449) 721369

Email: pc.greatbricett@outlook.com

The Parish Councillors are:-

Cllr Sue Burnett - Chair - 01473 658865

Cllr Richard Morley - Vice-Chair - 01473 658586

Cllr Judy Walsh - 01473 657652

Cllr Michelle Parnell - 01473 657970

Cllr Andrew Auchterlonie - 07711 191822

Cllr Lesley Jefferson - 01473 657031



The next meeting of the Parish Council is due to be held on Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 7pm


 To view our Councillor's Register of Interests - follow link choosing Mid Suffolk, and Great Bricett in drop down menus:-

Register of Members Interest

Meeting Dates - 2024 / 2025

Tuesday, 10th September 2024

Tuesday, 12th November 2024

Tuesday, 14th January 2025

Tuesday, 11th March 2025

The MP for this area is:- Patrick Spencer (Cons)

The County Councillor for this area is:- Cllr Kay Oakes (kay.oakes@suffolk.gov.uk)

The District Councillor for this area is:- Cllr Daniel Pratt (daniel.pratt@midsuffolk.gov.uk)

Representatives to Outside Bodies:

Great Bricett Village Hall Management Committee - Judy Walsh

Wattisham Liaison Meeting - Cllr S Burnett 

Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) - All Parish Cllrs

Wixfield Park Representative - All Parish Cllrs

Responsibilities of the Parish Council include:


The Parish Council is responsible for the approval and monitoring of Council expenditure, annually analysing future funding requirements and recommends the precept to be raised. Arranging insurance of parish property, loans and donations and other associated activities requiring finance.

The Village Green

Maintenance of the Village Green

Great Bricett Village Hall

As proprietor, arranges insurance and oversees any maintenance issues in consultation with the Village Hall Management Committee.


The Parish Council receives and considers consultation copies of all Planning Applications relating to the parish. Recommendations from the Council either in support of the application or as objections, are passed to Mid Suffolk District Council who, as Planning Authority, will make use of these comments in their determination of the application.

Parish Property

The Parish Council provides and maintains parish assets such as dog waste bins, notice boards, benches, and street lights.

Highways and Lighting

The Parish Council oversees highways matters such as the need for road repairs, signposting, street lights and the supply of electricity for street lighting.

To report any issue to Suffolk County Council (such as Potholes, Highways or footpaths), please use the following link:-

Suffolk County Council Reporting Site


Agenda for next meeting

Local Area Info